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GPSLite for iPhone


MotionX-GPS Lite, available for the iPhone 3G only, is the essential application for hikers, bike riders, joggers, and geocaching enthusiasts. It puts an easy to use state-of-the-art handheld GPS system on your iPhone 3G. All you need to do is start the application and go!

Features:- Stopwatch: track elapsed time, speed, distance traveled, average pace.
- Navigation: view current speed and ETA, visualize bearings with a virtual compass.
- Maps: visualize in real time the path you travel on a scalable grid with (lat,long) coordinates and waypoints.
- Waypoints: personal list of waypoints such as biking and hiking trails, favorite places, geocaching sites or other points of interest.
- GPS Status: current position, GPS signal strength, last valid satellite fix.
- Requires the iPhone 3G

                                     Download GPSLite 



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